• Resultats pour votre recherche tue:


    Every year, the vegetarian festival takes place from the first to the ninth night of the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. It is considered one of the most important festivals in Phuket. Thousands of Taoist followers take part in bizarre rituals (such as sticking swords in their faces)...


    Heartbreaking footage showing a dog being dragged down the road by a woman driving a mobility scooter has sparked outrage online. The harrowing video clip shows the poor dog seemingly unable to stand as he is dragged along a street by his leash in Birmingham, England. A witness to the scene, who...


    India was very recently struck by a tragedy: A suspension bridge of the country gave way and dragged in the depths of water a hundred people. While 500 people were present on this suspended building, in order to carry out religious rituals, only a few days after its reopening to the public...


    In Evanston, Wyoming, a woman showed what not to do during an encounter with a deer. As the seemingly lost animal tried to attack her dog, the woman thought she was ready to fight it off, armed with a garbage bag. Big mistake, because in addition to being very strong, this animal has very sharp...


    An Australian influencer is facing a barrage of child sex abuse charges. Rachel Queen Burton, 44, known on the app as Rachel.queen8008, is accused of indecent assault and sex*al act with a ch*ld, among other charges. The alleged crimes took place in 2019 at various locations in rural South...


    In the United States, a man is filmed assaulting his wife, by throwing objects at her (like a table). A violent scene, but which seems usual for the neighbors (the guy in a wheelchair who smokes his joint and who seems to think "Oh, no, he did it again..." ^^)


    The attraction doesn't kill her, but the two guys downstairs seem to want to finish the job as quickly as possible by taking her down!


    L'influenceuse Nadia Cartagena a suscité la polémique après avoir invité des stripteaseurs dans une maison de retraite de Colombie, et causé indirectement une crise cardiaque chez l'une des pensionnaires. Dans une vidéo partagée sur les réseaux sociaux, on peut voir les personnes...


    In a Walmart store in the United States, this young woman wearing a mask and a child's backpack has just passed everyone at the checkout. When the man behind her lets her know it's disrespectful, she goes into panic mode and screams like a madwoman, accusing the man of touching her...


    Following a road rage, these policemen stop a motorist. Nothing unusual, you may say, except that the place is rather unusual and dangerous. They will realize it when a train arrives at high speed...


    In Serbia, an attempted murder was captured on restaurant security cameras. The video shows a man with a gun approaching a customer who is eating, and pointing his gun at his head. But bad luck for the killer, his gun jams and he decides to flee. Just as we think that the action ends there, the...


    A Brooklyn, un individu a été filmé en train d'agresser une vieille femme de 87 ans, la poussant au sol, et lui voler son téléphone. Heureusement, un homme arrive à ce moment là (tout en filmant la scène), et lui demande de rendre le téléphone "C'est une vieille dame, rend lui...


    Sinon, un drone à 200€ aura aussi fait le taf ... et sans risquer de tuer un piéton en tombant 100 mètres plus bas...


    A Houston, une automobiliste a pu filmer un échange étrange avec un autre utilisateur de la route. Alors que celui vient de la percurter, il s'arrête devant elle. On pourrait penser qu'il souhaite remplir un constat, mais non, il se munit d'une statuette et la jette dans la...


    A Lancaster en Pennsylvanie, un homme masqué a été filmé alors qu'il tentait de tuer une personne dans la rue. Mais avant de commettre son forfait, l'homme ne semble pas s'être entraîné ...


    En Caroline du Nord, un pilote a filmé son aterrissage d'urgence sur une route sinueuse. Y a pas à dire, j'y connais rien en avion, mais ce gars assure !


    Lors d'un bain dans le gange, sensé purifier l'âme et le corps, un homme a osé embrassé une femme, causant la colère de tous les hommes aux alentours. Les témoins, tous des hommes, se sont alors mis à le frapper. On peut entendre l'une des personnes présentes dire qu'"une...


    Dans un port en Jordanie, un réservoir rempli de chlore gazeux qui devait être exporté vers Djibouti est tombé pendant son chargement, et a libéré son contenu toxique, faisant 12 morts et plus de 250 blessés.


    Bon, toujours moins dangereux que Nantes apparemment ...


    Bon, je ne sais pas pourquoi ce client casse une bouteille de bière à la caisse, mais ce qui est certain, ce que le vigile prend son travail très au sérieux (sacrés coups de coude pour endormir !)


    Jabba, c'est toi ?!