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    A wedding reception in Florida turned into a nightmare when the venue's owner flew into a rage and threatened guests with a gun. The incident occurred Thursday night at Cielo Farms, a reception venue located in Davie, Florida. It all started when Christian Rafart, the venue manager, demanded...


    Chinese-American WeChat users in Houston, Texas, shared a video showing a violent robbery that occurred on February 13 in Dun Huang Plaza. It shows a black man, wearing a hoodie, violently tackling an Asian woman to the ground in order to rob her. Violence against Asian people is on the rise in...


    A 17-year-old teenager, Jamon Cheatham, was caught on multiple cameras deliberately running over Deputy Sheriff Sarah Merriman during her arrest last August. The officer suffered serious injuries that left her with permanent damage and prevented her from working for two months. Although...

    Choc Vip

    Daiana Briyith Benítez Díaz, a 24-year-old Venezuelan woman, was murdered in a local restaurant by a hitman in Barrancabermeja, Colombia. According to investigators, the murder is linked to gang rivalries. In addition, the victim was in possession of several false identity documents. Violence...


    Ron Reeder, 52, was arrested last month in New Jersey for his involvement in the deadly shooting that rocked the city of Queens in September 2021. The victim, Jermaine Dixon, was shot at close range during an attempted robbery gone wrong. Reeder, disguised in Hasidic-style clothing, allegedly...

    Choc Vip

    An armed robbery at a local mall led to a deadly shootout between police and robbers in Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. Sadly, police officer Jorge Bacila Giralda lost his life in the exchange of fire and Fredy Joaquin Sanchez, another police officer, was seriously injured and was taken to the...


    A truck loaded with pipes lost control of its cargo on a highway in China's eastern Shandong province. The incident was caught on video and the video quickly went viral. The pipes went through the windshield of a moving car, impaling a woman sitting in the backseat. She was rushed to the...


    A terrifying video has been widely shared on social media, showing the devastating explosion of a Nexia-3 vehicle at a gas station, killing one employee and leaving others in shock. Authorities are investigating the cause of the explosion, which may have been due to a gas leak or a faulty fuel...


    In the south of China, the Miaos have the habit to make fight buffaloes between them, but sometimes, it is with the human ones that the beasts, weighing several hundreds of KG and armed with very sharp horns, prefer to attack.


    Senator Gloria Orwoba was criticized by her male colleagues in the Kenyan Parliament after she walked onto the floor with bloodstains on her white pants. Her colleagues, mostly men, deemed her behavior disrespectful and inappropriate, and expelled her from parliament. Orwoba said it was just a...

    Choc Vip

    Le groupe terroriste Al-Shabaab a pris d'assaut un immeuble résidentiel à Mogadiscio, faisant au moins 10 morts et plusieurs blessés. Mais comme on peut le voir dans cette vidéo, les forces de sécurité ont réussi à tuer quatre des assaillants (dont celui qui saigne abondamment dans la...


    On February 20, 2023, a gruesome murder was captured on security cameras at a supermarket in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The footage shows a man wearing a motorcycle helmet and carrying a handgun entering the store and shooting the owner at point-blank range. Investigators discovered that...


    A 40-year-old worker was splashed with molten zinc at the Omsk Electromechanical Plant. The incident occurred in late January, but the video is only now circulating on the Internet, followed by investigations and verification by prosecutors. The victim is miraculously alive, with only 5% of his...


    On February 15, 2023, a violent altercation took place in front of the courthouse in Sacramento, California. The defendant, Cameron Garcia, was on trial for the murder of five people when he was confronted by a family member of the victims. The situation escalated into a fight involving several...


    Two teenagers, ages 13 and 15, were arrested by police in Lutana, Australia, after attempting to rob the Harris Scarfe store. During their attempted robbery, the teens were confronted by several store customers. A brief altercation ensued, during which one of the customers was stabbed by the...


    On Saturday, two shootings took place in two businesses in Maracaibo, in the state of Zulia, northwestern Venezuela, leaving eight people injured. One of the injured died early Sunday, while another is in critical condition. Most of the other six injured are stable, some have been sent home....

    Choc Vip

    Au Brésil, un drame s'est déroulé lorsqu'un policier hors service a été abattu par un autre policier hors service lors d'une altercation chauffée. Les vidéos de l'incident montrent que la victime discutait avec deux hommes sur le trottoir d'un bar. À un moment donné,...


    William Thompson, aged 62, has been accused of the deadly shooting of Timothy Austin, a locksmith, at a gas station in Birmingham. The event transpired on a Friday afternoon when Thompson supposedly fired multiple rounds at the 49-year-old victim. Following the shooting, Thompson escaped but was...


    At 00:16 the Lynx smells the child and seems to think "Not yet fat enough, not yet fat enough, let him eat and grow" ...


    A $50,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and indictment of the attackers responsible for shooting a 26-year-old Nashville woman who was walking on Esteswood Drive at Trimble Road. The victim was randomly attacked by two males who got out of a dark sedan, possibly a...


    Une femme a été attaquée par un voleur de chiens devant une animalerie en Californie. Le suspect a pris le chiot Maltipoo d'un mois que la femme gardait. La femme a essayé d'arrêter le suspect, mais elle a été aspergée de gaz poivré et frappée. Le suspect s'est ensuite enfui...