• Choc

    The damage done by drugs and alcohol in the United States ..


    Drugs are increasingly present in the United States, causing scenes worse than all the zombie movies put together ..


    Teenagers brutally assaulted a food delivery boy outside a McDonald's in Melbourne, Australia. The deliveryman, laden with bags of food, was attacked by at least five teenagers as he tried to defend himself. These violent scenes are emerging as food deliveries become a prime target for criminal...


    A violent incident occurred on an Adelaide train during the evening rush hour on the Seaford line. Two men fought violently, one of them hurling insults and punches, while a third man got involved in the brawl, placing the victim of the blows in a headlock. A woman broke up the fight by pressing...


    In a pragmatic move, China has set up boats specially dedicated to recovering drowned bodies, due to the high number of aquatic accidents in the country. This initiative may seem brutal, but it is justified by the health risks associated with bacteria and infectious diseases. A video that may...


    Heroes without capes, but with excavators!


    He can't walk, but he knows how to hit!


    Would anyone like some sausage?


    Les choses deviennent hors de contrôle lors du tournage d'un porno japonais.


    Or when you stab someone just before your wedding..


    Watch the video to the end. For some, it's a foiled terrorist attack.


    Not tying his shoelaces before the fight was fatal.


    I like the way he changes the way he talks after he's had a hard day.


    A masterful and painful failure during a fight in a shopping mall.


    Shocking video of an accident that took place on the ERS-122, which links Antonio Prado and Flores da Cunha in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil.


    The video dates back to February 2022, but it seems to have been released only recently. A lone police officer tries to get a group of people to obey him, but ends up being lynched.


    A fully undressed man has been filmed in a scene as crazy as it is unusual in Des Moines, Iowa. The individual was spotted on Tuesday night, strolling naked through the downtown area and then stealing a parked car with a person inside. Unfortunately, the owner of the car was knocked down during...


    Tragedy struck in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, China, when a two-storey house exploded and collapsed. Three people perished and another was injured. According to reports, four people were buried under the rubble during the collapse. A striking video captured the moment of the explosion....


    "Are you Jewish? I'm Moroccan... I'm going to fuck your mother, you fucking Jew". Altercation with racist overtones on a Montpellier tramway.


    A man of Spanish origin lost his life after a fight in which someone tried to steal his cell phone, in Badalona. Death was caused by a violent blow with a large wooden stick.


    Un événement inhabituel s'est déroulé à Bogota, en Colombie, où deux individus ayant dérobé le sac d'une femme ont subi un accident de la circulation juste après leur méfait. Selon certaines informations, un des membres du duo est parvenu à s'enfuir, tandis que l'autre, pris au piège,...