A tragic event recently marked the daily lives of workers on a sugarcane plantation in La Libertad, western Peru. A 58-year-old father of eight lost his life in a dramatic accident. His jacket got caught in the cogs of the sugarcane crushing machine, dragging the unfortunate worker down with him.
In Chicago, scum fight each other, each armed with a knife. Don't try to compete with them, because their dodges are pretty impressive!
Three US citizens have been apprehended following their alleged involvement in a coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Footage shows two of the individuals pleading for clemency from surrounding government forces after a shootout in Kinshasa. Although local sources suggest that...
A tragic incident occurred last Saturday at Qianhe Plaza, in the Xiangzhou district of Zhuhai, China. A cab driver was stabbed by a male passenger, leaving the unfortunate driver bleeding on the ground. According to a video posted online, the incident took place at around 2.45pm, near the on-ramp...
In Los Angeles, a man in mental health crisis ran naked on the 405 freeway, causing a major disturbance. After attacking a woman, he continued his run on Santa Monica Boulevard before being struck by a vehicle and apprehended by police. The man was hospitalized and is in stable condition.
A man armed with a hammer was killed by a Washington State police officer after attacking DOT workers on Interstate 5 near Seattle. The incident, which occurred in the late afternoon, was reported by the Snohomish County Multi-Agency Response Team. The man had begun by rear-ending a DOT vehicle...
Rylo Huncho, American rapper and TikTok user, died after accidentally shooting himself in the head during a live performance on TikTok. It seems that he had a loaded gun in his possession and was waving it around without thinking of the consequences. The disturbing video quickly spread across...
In Israel, members of the Hamas organization opened fire with rockets on Israeli soldiers at close range. It all seems to have taken place in urban areas, reminiscent of the intensity of guerrilla fighting. Indeed, the videos show an attack on Israeli soldiers who appear to be off guard.
Zoraya ter Beek, a healthy 29-year-old Dutch woman, has been granted the right to end her life by euthanasia, a government-funded decision. Zoraya, suffering from chronic depression, anxiety and lasting trauma, had expressed this wish since 2020. Despite the support of her partner, family and...
A Jewish man who was removing anti-Israeli stickers from a public street in Belgium has unfortunately suffered a violent attack, resulting in a fractured jaw. The assailant, a migrant of African origin, is said to have been enraged when his gaze fell on the scene where the man, accompanied by his...
In New York City, a couple managed to turn a potentially dangerous situation around. Instead of being the victims, they became the heroes of their own story. Walking with their dog near 49th Street and Broadway in Woodside, they were targeted by a 37-year-old suspected mugger. The man, wearing a...
One fateful night in December, Benjamin Winters collided with several emergency responders on Interstae 76 in Commerce City, after driving while intoxicated. At the time of the incident, Commerce City police and South Adams County firefighters were busy investigating another accident. According...
Some people will do anything to eat outdoors, but everyone has their limits.
American police sometimes too tough on pro-Palestinian protesters?
In Palermo, a daring thief stole an $8,500 stationary bike in broad daylight. The incident took place in the Buenos Aires district, near the Malba museum. Captured by security cameras, the thief first tried to force his way into the gymnasium. Unsuccessful, he broke the glass and went inside....
The scene took place on a bus in France. One man threatened another for a simple glance, and invited him to get out of the bus to fight. Another man, a witness to the scene, took advantage of the crowd to neutralize the aggressor and throw him off the bus.
A tragic accident involving a cab occurred on the Japanese capital's freeway, sadly resulting in the death of the 46-year-old driver and a 61-year-old passenger. A video taken by a dashcam and posted on Twitter captured the moment of the accident, including the moment when the brake lights were...
A man attempted a daring jump from the roof of his house into an inflatable pool. Unfortunately, the pool he chose was too shallow for the jump. Not only that, but the pool was placed on a tiled surface, which probably intensified the impact of the landing.
Here's an unexpected and potentially dangerous joke: some friends inserted an airbag under a sofa, on which one of them was sitting. When the airbag was activated, the seated individual was violently propelled through the air, potentially risking injury to his spine.
Martin Neumaier, a German politician from the Free Democratic Party (FDP), has sparked controversy after the release of a video showing him licking toilets and brushes in a public restroom. The video quickly went viral, provoking widespread outrage and raising questions about his mental state and...
Les Kanaks, communauté autochtone de l'île, réclament l'indépendance de leur territoire. Pour faire entendre leur voix, certains entrent par effraction dans les maisons et les entreprises des non-Kanaks, majoritairement blancs, pour voler et piller. Est-ce le début d'une véritable guerre...