Violent 100-year floods hit Colorado Springs, causing devastating flooding. Among the many homes affected, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wagers was heavily damaged. This natural disaster, one of the worst to hit the city in a decade, particularly affected residential areas. Water invaded...
An unusual incident took place in Thailand, where a Russian tourist attempted to sexually assault a cow, resulting in an unexpected reaction from the animal, to say the least. Evgenii Kuvshinov, 26, reportedly approached the animal in a meadow in Surat Thani, after undressing. When he tried to...
In Vietnam, a woman was thrown into the air by an unexpected accident in her own café. Her coat caught on the handle of a running sugarcane juice machine, dragging her arm and lifting her whole body into the air before she fell violently to the ground. Her husband immediately cut off the power,...
And they certainly get paid 5 euros a day for it ..
A Chongyang en Chine, une inondation subite a emporté plusieurs personnes, sans faire apparemment de victimes.
Australian MMA fighter Craig Jones is facing controversy for kissing his female opponent, Gabi Garcia, before their mixed bout. Just before the clash at his own event, the Craig Jones Invitational, this Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu specialist known for his 55 career victories, took it one step too far....
At around 11pm on Sunday evening in Englewood (USA), a police car was the target of a dozen shots during a chase with a red Jeep Grand Cherokee. The police officer was searching the vehicle for a violation concerning a defect on the car. The shots came from a high-powered weapon used by the...
After ordering all passengers to move to the back of the bus, the driver of a New Jersey Transit bus settles scores with a man who spat at him.
In a scene captured in Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, Brazilian police officers forcefully arrested a car thief. The video of the intervention has gained popularity online, not least because of the visible use of physical force to neutralize the criminal. While some critics point to the...
Alysa Irinina, a 21-year-old Russian MMA champion, faced an uncomfortable situation when an ex-boyfriend showed up uninvited at her birthday party and started acting inappropriately. Despite Alysa repeatedly asking him to stop touching her, the man continued his insistent behavior. So the...
You didn't have to be between the two gangs at the time..
Drugs are increasingly present in the United States, causing scenes worse than all the zombie movies put together ..
Teenagers brutally assaulted a food delivery boy outside a McDonald's in Melbourne, Australia. The deliveryman, laden with bags of food, was attacked by at least five teenagers as he tried to defend himself. These violent scenes are emerging as food deliveries become a prime target for criminal...
A violent incident occurred on an Adelaide train during the evening rush hour on the Seaford line. Two men fought violently, one of them hurling insults and punches, while a third man got involved in the brawl, placing the victim of the blows in a headlock. A woman broke up the fight by pressing...
Heroes without capes, but with excavators!
He can't walk, but he knows how to hit!
Les choses deviennent hors de contrôle lors du tournage d'un porno japonais.
Or when you stab someone just before your wedding..