• Impressionnant

    With this kind of machine and the electric scooters (where people often ride without any protection), I can't imagine the increase of accidents (often fatal) that there will be... A decrease of the speed on the roads will be necessary for the motorists (well yes, it is always the same ones...


    Erratum: This is actually a Chinese cat looking for his brother on the table.


    In Taiwan, an earthquake collapses a gymnasium. According to the source, everyone made it out alive.


    After crossing the railroad tracks without being able to climb back up, this woman screams for help. A nice guy comes to get her out, and guess what she does immediately after?!? She goes back to the train...

    Porno Vip

    Cet amateur ne rate pas une miette de la première expérience lesbienne de sa femme avec une amie. Il en profitera aussi pour se faire sucer pendant que sa femme regarde.


    Lors d'un procès, un juge fait savoir à un accusé, pourtant assis seul, que son masque covid n'est pas porté correctement. L'accusé décide alors de changer de masque pour un masque à gaz, ce qui ne plait pas du tout au juge, qui le vire du tribunal...


    In the United States, a road rage went wrong for an aggressive motorist. In a video filmed by a dashcam, we can see a motorist in a pickup truck, chasing a man in a PT cruiser. The man is desperate to break the motorist's teeth in his small car, but it won't happen that way...


    It is forbidden to laugh.


    In the United Kingdom, a thug tries to rob a gas station, but runs into a recalcitrant employee, who has other plans that night...


    35 pictures, enjoy !

    Porno Vip

    Voici une nouvelle vidéo exclusive totalement amatrice pour le abonnés VIP aujourd'hui : En plein confinement, ce gars surprend sa colocataire en train de se masturber dans sa chambre, après avoir oublié (volontairement ou pas) de vérouiller sa porte. Seul hic; Le gars se fait...


    In this terrifying video, a stranger follows a woman and her child home, and tries to open their house door. Fortunately, the mother had just locked the door behind her. The woman, who notices the man's presence, screams and asks him what he wants, but the stranger remains facing the door,...




    No, it's not a tornado that passed by, but a 12 year old brat angry at his mother who destroyed the whole house! Well, at the same time, I think she'll think twice before telling him anything again. But where is dad when you need him?


    Faced with the crisis and the ban on withdrawing their own money from the bank, the Lebanese started to commit hold-ups, not to become rich, but just to try to get their own money back. Here, a woman, armed with a dummy gun (according to her), manages to recover 13000$, to help her sister...


    What could be a more rude awakening? I don't know. So rude that he had to go back to sleep so early.


    Taking on a crocodile is ballsy. But attacking a crocodile and bringing it home like a common rabbit is just off the charts.


    At a club in Providence, Rhode Island, a general brawl broke out in which as many punches were thrown as chairs. Only one participant was arrested, because he was in possession of a weapon when he left the club. At 00:05, I don't understand why they cut the music, it was so good for the...


    Like this, these punches don't look nasty, but they hurt a lot...


    A word of advice to this thief: "Before you pick on a woman, lift her skirt... if two fat pairs of balls are floating, move on to the next one!"


    Deen Bean aka Deen TheGreat on Youtube wanted to celebrate his victory in a boxing match by doing a backflip, but his arrival was not as successful as his fight...