• Impressionnant

    Fabio Wibmer jumps into a pool from a roof. One small mistake and he ended up paralyzed. Fortunately, Darwin was off that day.


    At Miami International Airport, a woman was arrested after destroying equipment and assaulting staff. The reason for her anger? She noticed that her children were not next to her, became angry and started screaming, demanding that the gate agent find her children. When they refused, she started...


    Methamphetamine is taking a toll on the United States, but that seems to delight, or at least entertain, the passengers on this train.


    Hi friends, welcome on Webchoc.com ! Here are the fun and unusual pictures of the day with 94 images for today. Enjoy your visit, and have a great day! @


    Weird scene in China, in which a woman hits a parked car, and complains about the car while there is no driver inside. 


    In Russia, some partygoers end up in a more than lamentable state...


    There is no need to say, we know how to have fun in Brazil!


    I didn't expect this...


    Abuse of power or just good job in your opinion?


    This match ended without a single punch being thrown.


    Alex Le Tissier is not worried about Christmas anymore. While this period still stresses her today, because she could not always offer gifts to her 4 children, it is now an old memory. Thanks to her new job, which is to show herself on the internet, the beautiful brunette lives very comfortably...


    Or at least, not like this .. Ouch.


    A fight in Thailand ends abruptly...


    Is it a special day, or does she always make this kind of disgusting turd?!


    During the 2022 World Cup, the 30-year-old Croatian Ivana Knoll, also nicknamed the "hottest fan of 2022 soccer cup", has largely caused a sensation in a country that is usually quite prudish...


    At a police station in Wilmington, Delaware, a police officer responds unfavorably to a man's request, who then gets angry and tries to beat the crap out of him.




    He didn't like it at all, and I understand him. I do the same to everyone who puts CNN on TV.


    In Fort Worth, an F-35B was filmed landing after a hover, bouncing off the runway, and then nosediving. Faced with the loss of control of the aircraft, the pilot chose to eject from the aircraft. The pilot escaped unharmed from the incident, which occurred on the anniversary of the first flight...


    Come on, let's hope everyone did well.


    In the United States, a thug is filmed stealing a ticket machine, trying to get on a bus... The stupidity has no limit.