• Pornographique

    Her boyfriend seems to like sperm more than her!


    A student in Rockdale County, Georgia has been charged with aggravated battery after attacking their high school teacher, Tiwana Turner. The teacher was trying to redirect the student's off-task behavior when she was physically assaulted, resulting in knee and leg injuries, a broken leg and...


    We know that in Brazil, the police know how to deal with crime, and the search of suspects is no exception!


    A $50,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and indictment of the attackers responsible for shooting a 26-year-old Nashville woman who was walking on Esteswood Drive at Trimble Road. The victim was randomly attacked by two males who got out of a dark sedan, possibly a...


    Hawaii County Police are investigating a shooting involving an officer and a pit bull. The incident happened in Pahala over the weekend while two officers were serving a restraining order. The police claim that the pit bulls attacked one of the officers and he had to shoot one of them to defend...


    Fat girls want sex too, but don't show up with your 14 cm!


    When she finds a Koala on the side of the road, this woman thinks that because it is small and furry, it must be cute. Big mistake.


    Une femme a été attaquée par un voleur de chiens devant une animalerie en Californie. Le suspect a pris le chiot Maltipoo d'un mois que la femme gardait. La femme a essayé d'arrêter le suspect, mais elle a été aspergée de gaz poivré et frappée. Le suspect s'est ensuite enfui...


    Hi friends, welcome to Webchoc.com! Here are the fun and unusual pictures of the day with 52 images for today. Enjoy your visit, and have a great day!


    Here is a small series of photos of girls in transparent outfits, enjoy! Well, and to answer the question, yes, I think they know it...



    In the United States, a woman breaks the window of a car during an argument in a gas station and things turn very bad for her. No information on the reasons of this altercation, nor on its consequences.


    Another "clean" and brutal arrest of our Brazilian policemen, as they know so well how to do.


    Hit by a truck, this biker certainly soiled his underpants by passing under the wheel... Luckily the driver saw him and braked in time!


    In Jamaica, during the seizure of his vehicle, a man gets angry, starts yelling at the officer, and ends up physically attacking him. Carried away by the support of the crowd, the man forgot in the meantime that the agent was equipped with a weapon...


    Not pretty, pretty, this punch, but it has the advantage of having brought back the silence.


    I always try to understand and explain what's going on in a video. But if there's an ass, it's not really necessary. So you won't get any explanation for this video. And let's face it, you don't really need one either.


    Le week-end dernier, un gros rocher s'est écrasé sur la maison d'un million de dollars d'une famille à Hawaï, manquant de peu une femme. Le rocher s'est détaché d'une colline voisine et a causé des dommages importants à la maison, qui venait d'être reconstruite et...


    A Romanian delivery driver and his Syrian friend murdered a 71-year-old woman in the belief that they would become millionaires. The two men, Mohammed El-Abboud and Kusai Al-Jundi, pushed the victim, Louise Kam, to sign power of attorney documents that they thought would give them control of her...


    The facts date from 2021, but I don't think I added this video on Webchoc. Deadly rock falls killed 9 people, including 8 in a tourist minibus, after heavy rains in the Indian Himalayas. The incident occurred in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh due to the collapse of loose boulders from...


    Two Illinois State Police officers were injured during an attempted traffic stop of a black BMW, suspected of being involved in a carjacking, on the South Side of Chicago. The BMW fled and became stuck in traffic, but was able to escape again after officers approached it on foot. The stolen...