Drama in Philly: Police are on the lookout for a group of juvenile delinquents who wreaked havoc on a bus on May 17. Masked, they boarded the bus at 20th and Diamond Streets before mercilessly attacking passengers. As if that wasn't enough, two people were shot. The scene, captured on CCTV, is as...
The worst thing that can happen to Brazilian thugs? Running into plainclothes cops, of course! On May 29, 2023, in Guarulhos, São Paulo, two armed thugs tried to steal a motorcycle, unaware that they were attacking police officers. As one of the robbers tried to leave with the motorcycle, a...
In China, an arsonist sets fire to the skirt of a woman with a lighter ... WTF?
The digital mecca that is TikTok has seen the emergence of an unusual and frankly pitiful new hobby: harassing New York police officers for clicks. These new underworld influencers seem willing to do anything for a hint of virality. NYPD officers, now victims of a click war...
A word of advice, folks: if you're planning to steal a motorcycle, make sure the driver isn't an armed plainclothes policeman! In Buenos Aires, a thief learned this lesson the hard way, when he tried to steal the two-wheeler of a policeman who was accompanied by his girlfriend. By way of "thank...
Hi friends, welcome to Webchoc.com! Here are the fun and unusual pictures of the day with 50 images for today. Enjoy your visit, and have a great day!
An extraordinary event took place in Toluca, Mexico, on May 25, 2023. A local bakery was the scene of an explosion caused by a gas cylinder, causing a stir in the small town. Five people were injured, but fortunately there were no fatalities.
Hi friends, welcome to Webchoc.com! Here are the fun and unusual pictures of the day with 53 images for today. Enjoy your visit, and have a great day!
The tranquility of San Clemente, a California town renowned for its respect for the military, was disturbed over the Memorial Day weekend. Three Marines enjoying their free time at the beach were savagely attacked by a gang of teenagers, after simply asking for the fireworks to stop spraying them...
Chaotic rendezvous on Revere Beach, Massachusetts, over Memorial Day weekend. A video reveals a chilling scene: a young man in gray shorts and a white top breaks away from a restless group, pulls out a gun and fires seven times. A 17-year-old woman is shot in the back. The police, in a race...
A double-decker bus was the target of an incendiary attack on a busy Birmingham thoroughfare. The incandescent spectacle forced passengers to evacuate the bus in an emergency. Firefighters, equipped with gas masks, braved the blaze on Soho Road, managing to extinguish the fire in less than thirty...
We've all heard it before: "teenagers and their stupid challenges". Well, it unfortunately became a nightmare for 18-year-old Cameron Robbins from Louisiana. This young graduate treated himself to an unauthorized dive in Bahamian waters during a cruise, following a dare. Alas, our adventurer...
In a parking lot, a woman who doesn't seem to be in very good shape repeats the word ni*ger over and over to an African-American man in her car, and ends up collapsing on the ground...
Some people will do anything for a parking space!
In a recent incident in Texas, a Family Dollar employee found out the hard way that "boldness isn't always the best policy". After seeing his workplace turned into a target for small-time thieves, our reluctant hero decided to interfere. As a result, he discovered that it's better to prioritize...
Do you think you can just fill up a shopping cart and walk out the door without paying? Well, at King Soopers in Colorado, it doesn't! Recently, a group of misfits tried their luck, but between determined security guards and irritated citizens, their supermarket heist turned ridiculous. After...
Katy loves sex, and it shows: Equipped with several huge dildos, she's able and takes pleasure in thrusting them all over herself! Video courtesy of FTVgirls!
What could be more American than a good old-fashioned Memorial Day barbecue? Yet the Bronx seems to be reinventing this tradition. Imagine, you're enjoying your grilled sausage and cold beer when, all of a sudden, your tranquility is disrupted by a frantic battle of food and beer bottles! A...
Two African migrants, apparently having watched too much Ocean's Eleven, decided to embellish their Sicilian evening by attempting to rob a tobacconist. Unfortunately for them, our apprentice robbers forgot that Sicilians are not to be trifled with. This is what we call a local lesson: served up...
In the latest episode of "Wild Wild Charlotte", CATS (Charlotte Area Transit System) released a sensational video of a shootout on board a bus between the driver and a passenger. This modern western, filmed from four different angles, begins with a passenger asking to get off before the stop....