• Impressive videos


    During a meeting in Tokyo, a violent altercation broke out between Moroccan and Algerian diplomats. The conflict was provoked by the uninvited presence of the Saharawi ambassador, Lamine Baali, representing the Polisario Front. A Moroccan diplomat tried to snatch his easel from him, prompting an...


    Kambria Gabrielle Darby, 26, sent shockwaves through the internet after she was seen with her toddler wearing only a diaper during a cold snap at a Walmart shopping center. The mother was arrested for child neglect on January 17 in Byram, Mississippi. Originally charged with neglect, she was...


    Un homme, armé d'un couteau, a terrifié les agents de la Guardia Civil dans la ville de Fregenal de la Sierra, à Badajoz. Il s'est retranché dans une maison avec ses parents, menaçant de les décapiter. Après quatre heures de tension, l'homme a finalement été arrêté. Ce tragique...


    An impressive accident took place in Bexley North, south of Sydney, when a white Nissan SUV tumbled from the top of a motorway overpass at around 4.50pm last Thursday. The scene, captured by an on-board camera, showed the car falling on its nose onto the M5 freeway. Emergency services were...


    During a Padres victory over the Twins (Baseball) at Petco Park in San Diego, a fight broke out between two fans. The video posted by an Internet user shows a fan in white taunting another in black, mocking him for not being able to hit him. But at one point, the blows from the guy in black hit...


    Religious tensions have been rising in Bangladesh since the overthrow of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5. Fundamentalist Muslims are taking advantage of the general chaos to persecute the country's minority Hindu population. Violent attacks, destruction of property and rape are a daily...


    A 32-year-old woman was kidnapped by three men and a woman near Stanley Prison in Hong Kong. A prison employee, who witnessed the abduction, tried to intervene by asking the kidnappers not to fight, but was repulsed. Another prison employee was also injured by the kidnappers' vehicle when he...


    A Chongyang en Chine, une inondation subite a emporté plusieurs personnes, sans faire apparemment de victimes.


    And they certainly get paid 5 euros a day for it ..


    My title surprised me too.


    Violent 100-year floods hit Colorado Springs, causing devastating flooding. Among the many homes affected, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wagers was heavily damaged. This natural disaster, one of the worst to hit the city in a decade, particularly affected residential areas. Water invaded...


    At around 11pm on Sunday evening in Englewood (USA), a police car was the target of a dozen shots during a chase with a red Jeep Grand Cherokee. The police officer was searching the vehicle for a violation concerning a defect on the car. The shots came from a high-powered weapon used by the...


    After ordering all passengers to move to the back of the bus, the driver of a New Jersey Transit bus settles scores with a man who spat at him.


    In a scene captured in Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, Brazilian police officers forcefully arrested a car thief. The video of the intervention has gained popularity online, not least because of the visible use of physical force to neutralize the criminal. While some critics point to the...


    A violent incident occurred on an Adelaide train during the evening rush hour on the Seaford line. Two men fought violently, one of them hurling insults and punches, while a third man got involved in the brawl, placing the victim of the blows in a headlock. A woman broke up the fight by pressing...


    Alysa Irinina, a 21-year-old Russian MMA champion, faced an uncomfortable situation when an ex-boyfriend showed up uninvited at her birthday party and started acting inappropriately. Despite Alysa repeatedly asking him to stop touching her, the man continued his insistent behavior. So the...


    He can't walk, but he knows how to hit!


    Watch the video to the end. For some, it's a foiled terrorist attack.


    Or when you stab someone just before your wedding..


    A fully undressed man has been filmed in a scene as crazy as it is unusual in Des Moines, Iowa. The individual was spotted on Tuesday night, strolling naked through the downtown area and then stealing a parked car with a person inside. Unfortunately, the owner of the car was knocked down during...