• Impressive videos


    In Germany, a confrontation between a German driver and "Stop Oil Now" protesters broke out. After politely asking the protesters to clear the road, the driver's tone quickly escalated to physical aggression. The protesters, who were campaigning against the use of oil, suffered a violent...


    After insulting a delivery girl, an old man tries to attack her, unaware that the woman knows how to defend herself. Punching him in the nose, the boomer's face changes at an astonishing rate..


    Miami International Airport was the scene of a disturbing incident. A man was assaulted at the American Airlines ticket counter. He was punched several times before being pushed onto the baggage conveyor belt. Airport security is a growing concern in the face of such acts


    In a cinema, women in heels and very short miniskirts fight until a security guard tries to restore order. Sometimes the show is better in the corridors than in the cinema itself


    While taking off in a skate park, this skateboarder narrowly misses impaling himself on a fence..


    It's hard to believe that this motorist didn't see the cyclist, and that the impact was unintentional ..


    Thieves have targeted the store of former Royal Marines Major Steve McCulley, stealing boutique bikes worth €100,000. McCulley, who suffered serious injuries in Afghanistan in 2011, had founded the business in Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire. The well-organized and well-equipped burglars entered...


    Dans un acte de bravoure en Nord-Ossétie-Alanie, le cascadeur russe Evgeny Chebotarev a tenté une manœuvre audacieuse : sauter avec sa Lada Niva entre deux toits d'immeubles. Malheureusement, une mauvaise accélération a fait que sa voiture s'est écrasée contre l'autre bâtiment...


    On the A1M freeway, near Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire (England): a dashcam recorded a terrifying scene in which a grey car suddenly veered off course, crossing three lanes before climbing an embankment, colliding with trees and ending up upside down on its roof. It all began when the vehicle...


    In Tel Aviv, violent clashes broke out between supporters and opponents of the Eritrean government, as well as with Israeli police. Dozens were injured, including 30 police officers and three demonstrators hit by bullets. The confrontations involved lumber, pieces of metal, stones and an axe. The...


    Last Sunday, in Malmö, a Swedish city with a large immigrant population, a demonstration degenerated following the burning of a book of the Koran. It was orchestrated by Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee whose public desecration of the Muslim holy book has sparked outrage across the Middle East....


    Masked thieves held up a Home Depot store in Signal Hill, snatching €5,000 worth of power tools as stunned employees and customers looked on. On August 27, seven individuals quickly filled two carts with merchandise before leaving the store. In a separate event the following day, a duo looted a...


    In Teheran, a non-veiled woman is violently approached by a furious man. But rather than submit, she bravely fights back, routing her assailant. This moment, captured on video, reflects the growing tension between the repression of women's rights in Iran and the yearning for freedom. This...


    In New Orleans, a disturbing incident took place in front of the public library. A security guard named Kia Simmons, 23, was taken into custody after opening fire on a man, wounding him seven times. Why did she do it? The man allegedly refused to leave the establishment, provoking an altercation....


    In Oakland, but also in other American cities, it has become risky to leave your car in a public parking space. As this video shows, even if your belongings seem safe in the trunk, it only takes 12 seconds for these crooks to steal what's yours


    Ukrainians reacted violently when confronted with conscription for war. As the military situation in Ukraine continued to deteriorate, a group of men on a picnic were informed of their imminent conscription to the front. Faced with this news, the men attacked the two soldiers who had come to...


    In a recent video that went viral, a mother and son miraculously escaped an assassination attempt in their car in South America. Despite several bullets passing through the vehicle's windows, the two occupants escaped unharmed, presumably benefiting from the assailants' clumsiness


    In the heart of London, just a few yards from The Ritz Hotel, a pickpocket was filmed committing a daring daylight robbery. Mounted on an electric bike, the thief rode through a traffic jam at a red light, then stormed the sidewalk where he targeted a lone woman, engrossed in her phone, near...


    In the heart of Brazilian traffic, a shocking scene unfolded in broad daylight. On Avenida Leitão da Silva and in the streets of Itararé, two suspects were caught in a shootout with police on Monday afternoon (28). Following this violent exchange, Vitória Security reports one fatality and...


    A verbal altercation broke out in front of the Lambda Chi fraternity house at West Virginia University. A young man then pulled out a gun. Although he initially moved away, he returned to fight two men and fired a shot. The bullet grazed the head of one of the young men by a few centimeters