This hairdresser knows how to make easy money: He opens for 30 minutes for 5 cuts, collects the money, and goes home to rest. Well, actually, this is a rap video.
Because guys are still guys. I envy them for being able to do that once in their lives.
Good joke, though, it's better to be a renter or not care about your floor at all.
At a Rite Aid pharmacy, a shoplifter thought all he had to do was steal what he wanted and walk out quietly to earn a few bucks, but that was without a stubborn employee who decided to make his life difficult. I get so frustrated watching all these videos where the thieves get away with it, that...
Filmed by Mathieu Stern, the artist Yoann Bourgeois regales us with a show in which he plays with a staircase and a trampoline.
There is no need for a knife or an iron bar to settle your differences with the neighbors! A few gentle punches in the face can solve the problem without too much violence. Come on, I even put this video in the cool category!
Times are a little more complicated for Tesla. The sales figures are not as crazy as they were a few months ago and the controversies are more and more frequent. The only thing missing was that the competition, in this case Renault, started to shoot at them with red bullets. Tesla's fans are not...
At 00:17, do you know which boat it is (bottom middle left)? Even pausing it, I can't see very well....
On the other hand, to be fooled 3 times, it is necessary to be particularly stupid...
For 2 months, 100 people worked to clean a mangrove in Bali, victim of tourism and lack of care from local authorities ... Impressive.
Chasing horses with lights and a siren? They will never stop!
A video certainly a little long, but this guy is so talented that I was stuck from beginning to end...
Filming yourself doing this is very stupid. Nevertheless, it's quite satisfying to get rid of this kind of thing.
Too bad the end of the video is missing, because it looked like this.
This video reminded me of the dreams I had as a child, in which I managed to fly... I can't wait to try it!