• Bizarre videos


    I was watching this video, and my wife came up to me and said, "He's going to shut up that stupid neighbor dog!!!" Oops.


    This video traumatized me so much that I really thought she was going to eat rock soup at the end...


    A Russian riding a bear, drinking vodka, and telling the bear, who dares to complain, to shut up. More Russian than that, you won't find.


    Magic, the atmosphere in this place...


    I can only think of two reasons for what's going on in this video: Either the first opponent was too easy to beat, or the aim of the man in purple is very poorly calibrated...


    Madonna wants to be talked about. After being worried about her appearance, her fans are now wondering what this clip, in which she drinks from a dog bowl, means... Can you imagine your 62 year old grandmother (that's Madonna's age) doing that?


    Of all the things she has on her body, the hair under her arms shocked me the most...


    On a New York street, these two girlfriends having a drink are unexpectedly visited by a pervert, who shows them a porno with his phone, and asks them if they are capable of doing what they see on the screen. At first, one of the girls wisely replies, "I don't think so", then, as the man repeats...


    Did he just escape from a prison in the style of Shawshank Redemption? Was he hiding from Putin to avoid going to war? Or is he just another Russian who drank too much vodka? This video raises a lot of questions.


    Being served like pigs does not seem to be a problem for anyone in this restaurant...


    This guy is really dumb, but at least he makes his friends laugh!


    Tattoos are not like good wine, they don't get better with age...


    Doing this in front of a front door in the United States, where most homes have a surveillance camera, was not the best idea .


    Here is a bizarre scene that took place in a McDonald's in the United States: After entering the kitchen to steal some nuggets, a man, apparently psychologically unstable, attacked the manager, throwing the nuggets at him. The assailant risks a lot, because attacking someone with junk food like...


    Japanese lesbian porn with artistic flatulence ..... just when you thought you had seen everything.


    Drugs are bad, m'kay??


    Maybe we'll avoid recycling this bottle...


    Proof in video.


    In addition to being quite touchy, this woman is equipped with an overpowering household appliance! (not for making soup, but for kicking ass). You didn't have to mess with her.


    Taking the New York subway is a real change of scenery. Here, passengers were allowed to see a madman, who attacks a mannequin, because this one refuses to sit down and have a drink with him... Unless it is a ploy to get seats!