An elephant refuses to leave her partner after she dies
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    An elephant refuses to leave her partner after she dies

    Magda and Jenny shared more than 25 years under the big top in Russia. This week, Jenny collapsed and didn't make it. Magda, distraught, tried to get her up by gently pushing her, before embracing her for a long time. For several hours, she prevented the vets from approaching her, as if she wanted to say goodbye in her own way. Witnesses to the scene, the caretakers observed this poignant moment between the two former show partners.

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    • myosine Signaler  


      19/03/2025 à 15:59:24
    • phil6a Signaler  

      Les éléphants en Russie sont plus que leur président

      19/03/2025 à 16:41:26

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