A brutal fight in a Russian reality show Webchoc.com
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    A brutal fight in a Russian reality show

    On a reality TV show in Russia, things degenerated into a real fight. Two contestants found themselves exchanging blows with an intensity more reminiscent of an MMA match than a simple disagreement. One of the men took several blows without flinching, while the other seemed determined to fight. No referee or member of the production team intervened to stop the scene.

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    • befumo007 Signaler  

      Celui avec le training bleu est clairement un boxeur a l'anglaise pro et l'autre se débrouille bien et encaissé très bien. Je me demande comment ça ce serait passé si l'autre ne serait pas intervenu. Ça allait certainement se terminer au sol

      12/03/2025 à 16:07:57

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