Relay runner hit in the head with a baton during a race
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    Relay runner hit in the head with a baton during a race

    At the Virginia State Indoor Championships, Kaelen Tucker was running the second relay of the 4x200m when she was hit on the head with a baton by another competitor. She says the other runner was already jostling her on the curve, then, once overtaken, landed the blow. Tucker is suffering from a concussion and possible skull fracture. His mother says no apology has been received from the athlete or his coach. It is not yet known whether any legal action will be taken.

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    • leo3 Signaler  

      Super !!!

      10/03/2025 à 11:07:31
    • myosine Signaler  

      le pire est que le dépassement est propre, elle reste dans le couloir 2. C'est inadmissible, à bannir du sport cette femme... elle est folle..

      10/03/2025 à 18:56:10

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