A woman spits at another man for arguing with her husband Webchoc.com
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    A woman spits at another man for arguing with her husband

    In Germany, two people, an old man and a younger, taller man, are arguing for some unknown reason, accusing each other of being the source of the problem. Just as the taller man looks like he's going to come to blows, a woman intervenes, spitting at the older man before fleeing the scene.

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    • leo3 Signaler  

      Putains d'islamistes !!!

      06/03/2025 à 11:02:24
      • myosine  Signaler  

        je pense que la nana, c'est une allemande pure souche, pro islam, pro migrants... genre lfi, la pire espèce du monde occidental.

        06/03/2025 à 11:08:44

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