From a boat, passengers film an intense fight between two wild bears. At first, one of them appears to be in trouble, as if about to be killed. The two animals grapple violently, biting and trying to dominate the other. Eventually, the darker-coated bear loses its fighting spirit and seems to give up the fight. The scene, brutal and impressive, shows the power and violence of confrontations between these animals in the wild.
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je l'ai déjà vu et c'est clairement l'une des bastons les plus furieuses ! Les ours dégagent une puissance incroyable.
11/02/2025 à 14:23:13Ils feraient mieux de s’enfiler.
11/02/2025 à 20:22:49vous êtes sur que ce n'est pas un fake créer avec IA..... tout est possible maintenant
12/02/2025 à 18:04:26
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