Man vandalizes altar in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican
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    Man vandalizes altar in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican

    A man of Romanian origin broke into St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and vandalized the altar last night. A video posted online shows him violently kicking six golden candlesticks placed on the altar. He goes on to trample the immaculate white tablecloth before pulling it towards him. The altar, situated beneath a 29-meter baldachin designed by Bernini, rests above the tomb of St. Peter. Many Internet users, shocked by this act, denounced a total lack of respect for this sacred site.

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    • malomarie Signaler  

      Il a la rage parce qu'il a pas eu droit à sa sodomie quand il était enfant de chœur comme tous ses petits camarades.

      11/02/2025 à 20:39:21

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