An elephant attacks an excavator in the middle of the street in Malbazar
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    An elephant attacks an excavator in the middle of the street in Malbazar

    In Malbazar, India, an elephant nicknamed "Gajraj" caused panic after an attempt to chase it out of a populated area. Chased by a JCB excavator and several people, the animal suddenly turned and charged the machine. With impressive force, it shook the machine in all directions, almost tipping it over.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      il a dû s'éclater la tête sur le godet !

      11/02/2025 à 14:35:49
    • Bafff Signaler  

      bande de débile.... ils n'ont plus aucune place pour ce nourrir.

      11/02/2025 à 19:33:57

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