Robber kills motorist as he flees crime scene
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    Robber kills motorist as he flees crime scene

    Ross Neiland, 38, caused a fatal accident on the M27 freeway near Southampton airport on February 21. After a shoplifting spree, he was driving at 150 km/h in the rain, without a license or insurance, in a Volkswagen Polo. He lost control, collided with a car and then with a truck driven by Michal Kaminski, who was killed instantly when his truck crashed into a structure. Neiland, under the influence of cocaine, tried to escape with stolen bags. He was sentenced to 9 years and 9 months in prison.

    Ross Neiland, 38 ans, a été condamné à neuf ans de prison 
    Michal Kaminski, 36 ans, est décédé dans un terrible accident impliquant trois voitures et provoqué par Neiland en février de l'année dernière
    Les restes du camion, après avoir percuté un pilier en béton 

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