Café owner gets beaten up by disgruntled customer
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    Café owner gets beaten up by disgruntled customer

    Felix Granato, owner of Lakes Café in Gosford, was working with his wife when a man became aggressive. Already known for his disruptive behavior, the individual violently attacked Felix after a verbal exchange. The attack escalated, injuring Felix and breaking a shop window. Police arrested the assailant, charged with various offenses, and denied him bail.


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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      C'est pas CALL THE POLICE connasse qu'il faut faire, c'est prendre une chaise et lui éclatax sur la gueule à l'autre.

      20/01/2025 à 17:00:16
      • Babybel  Signaler  


        25/01/2025 à 22:32:43
    • Bafff Signaler  

      encore un gars qui est sans aucune défense..... on tuerait sa femme devant c'est yeux qu'il ne ferait rien d'autre que crier.

      20/01/2025 à 18:17:16

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