Brute lifts and throws a mother to the pavement after an accident
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    Brute lifts and throws a mother to the pavement after an accident

    Single mother Hailea Soares, 31, was violently assaulted by Gladior Kwesiah, 26, during a traffic incident in Attleboro, Massachusetts, on January 3. After she accidentally crashed into his vehicle, Kwesiah allegedly pulled her out of his car, only to throw her violently to the ground. The victim suffered serious injuries, including a fractured knee, foot, and damage to the skull and orbit. Kwesiah was arrested and charged, with bail set at 2,500 euros. Soares is out of hospital but struggling to move around.

    Gladior Kwesiah
    Hailea Soares

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    • oOBENDEROo Signaler  

      encore les memes... peut importe ou ils sont sur cette terre.

      13/01/2025 à 00:06:01
    • myosine Signaler  

      Elle a fait un tour de manège gratos ! Y en a qui sont jamais content !

      13/01/2025 à 11:47:36

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