Accused of mocking a woman in burqa in Dubai, European tourists arrested
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    Accused of mocking a woman in burqa in Dubai, European tourists arrested

    A 13-second video showing European tourists in a Dubai restaurant has triggered an investigation by local police. The footage shows an Arab woman eating, while the camera turns to another woman, a tourist, accompanied by laughter. The conversation remains blurred, and it's not clear what was said, but social networks are abuzz, denouncing the disrespectful behavior. In the Emirates, filming without consent is forbidden. When alerted, the police confirmed that they had passed the case on to the appropriate authorities.

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Pourquoi les gens vont dans ces pays? A donner leur thune à ces rat qui en sont déja archi blindé.

      06/01/2025 à 17:34:12
      • Bafff  Signaler  

        désolé je n'ai pas la réponse...... pourtant pour en voir ce n'est pas compliqué en France

        08/01/2025 à 18:44:56

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