Live hammer attack on swastika-wearing teenager at Mexican high school
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    Live hammer attack on swastika-wearing teenager at Mexican high school

    A Mexican teenager armed with a hammer staged a live attack on his classmates, wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with a swastika. Before the attack, the 17-year-old, called Brandon, posted a warning message on social networks, saying that a "massacre" was planned. CCTV footage shows Brandon approaching students at San Andres High School in Guadalajara and attacking them with a hammer. After the attack, Brandon was overpowered by his classmates and then arrested by the police. The injured students were taken to a local hospital.

    Un jour avant l'attentat, il a posté un avertissement sur X montrant sa tenue avec une croix gammée, un marteau, une pioche et d'autres objets.
    L'adolescent a publié d'autres messages inquiétants exprimant son soutien à l'idéologie nazie. 


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