Controversy following near miss between truck and cyclist in Melbourne
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    Controversy following near miss between truck and cyclist in Melbourne

    At the heart of a controversy in Australia, a 58-year-old cyclist miraculously escaped a serious accident with a semi-trailer in Melbourne on November 26. He fell as he sprawled to make way for the truck in a freeway access lane. Panic-stricken when his rear wheel became trapped under the truck, the cyclist was dragged several metres off the main road. Fortunately, he managed to escape the dangerous situation, narrowly missing being crushed. There was some debate as to who was at fault: the cyclist or the driver of the semi-trailer. Police are still investigating the incident.

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    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      le fameux " angle mort " porte souvent bien son nom ..........................

      04/12/2024 à 16:18:22
    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      le fameux " angle mort " porte souvent bien son nom ..........................

      04/12/2024 à 16:18:30
    • fredo34200 Signaler  

      le fameux " angle mort " porte souvent bien son nom ..........................

      04/12/2024 à 16:18:31
      • fredo34200  Signaler  

        mmmmm ca beugue chez webchoc !

        04/12/2024 à 16:19:16
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      J'aurais dit le camion pour le coup. le cycliste est sur sa voie, mais le camion ne peu pas le voir car angle mort et volant à droite.

      04/12/2024 à 17:24:47

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