Terrible military plane crash in Ecuador Webchoc.com
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    Terrible military plane crash in Ecuador

    Here's a story to send shivers down your spine. A military aircraft crashed into a busy avenue in Santa Elena, Ecuador, killing two soldiers on board and injuring two drivers. The victims have been identified: Captain Diana Ruiz, 32, and cadet Juan Pacheco. The plane, a Diamond DA20-C1, was on a training flight when it crashed on the avenue. The impact was so violent that a motorcyclist was forced to fall. Passers-by tried to save the two soldiers, but unfortunately could do nothing to help them. The tragedy shocked the military community, where Ruiz was known as "La Femme Supersonique".

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    • stefan Signaler  

      Tu as une chance sur 1 Milliard de te recevoir un avion sur la tete...

      02/12/2024 à 17:14:25
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      L'avion est vraiment tombé comme une pierre. même avec une panne de moteur, c'est censé planer un minimum. A t'il percuté quelque chose en vol?

      02/12/2024 à 17:46:45

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