High school party in Vincentia: balcony collapses Webchoc.com
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    High school party in Vincentia: balcony collapses

    On Saturday evening, a high school party in Vincentia, in the south of New South Wales, took an unexpected turn. Around 40 young people, celebrating the end of their studies on a small terrace, saw the wooden platform give way under their weight. Music was in full swing and the mood was festive when the accident occurred. Four teenagers, including three girls and a boy, were taken to hospital with leg and back injuries. Ten others suffered minor injuries. The scene, a mixture of panic and chaos, left a lasting impression on those involved. Neighbors, surprised by the event, expressed relief that no serious injuries were reported.


    src: Dailymail Australie
    src: Dailymail Australie
    src: Dailymail Australie

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