A heroic policeman pulls a child from a car stuck on the tracks, just as a train is approaching Webchoc.com
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    A heroic policeman pulls a child from a car stuck on the tracks, just as a train is approaching

    A heroic California police officer, Michael Castaneda, saved a child from a perilous situation, just seconds from an oncoming train! On his way home, Castaneda, a San Bernardino County sheriff's deputy, found himself behind an SUV stuck on rails. Seeing the critical situation, he reacted immediately. The mother, trying to get her children out, placed one child on the ground before rushing to save the second. Castaneda then rushed forward, picking up the child before fleeing the danger. His courageous act earned him a well-deserved award.

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    • Adishatz13 Signaler  

      Il avait plus de chance de se tuer tous les deux que de le laisser dans la voiture.

      12/11/2024 à 10:15:58
      • Babybel  Signaler  

        La preuve que non

        12/11/2024 à 21:44:33
      • Bafff  Signaler  

        vu la vitesse d'impact effectivement autant le laisser lol

        13/11/2024 à 18:52:55

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