A model's nightmarish transformation after a botched treatment Webchoc.com
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    A model's nightmarish transformation after a botched treatment

    Long-time model Carol Bryan was looking for a lasting solution to her wrinkles. She opted for silicone fillers. But the dream turned into a nightmare: poorly performed injections caused major swelling. Her head changed shape, her forehead sagged, even covering her eyes. Carol is forced to wear a mask to go out, and has to keep her skin on in order to see. After years of suffering, she finally finds a surgeon able to help her, but remains blind in one eye. Carol emerges transformed, realizing that true beauty comes from within.


    Carol Bryan à 17 ans
    Carol se sentait comme un monstre 
    Carol a subi une intervention de 17 heures pour réparer son visage
    Carol réalise maintenant que la véritable beauté se trouve à l'intérieur

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