A man disappears at sea after being swallowed up by a huge canoe Webchoc.com
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    A man disappears at sea after being swallowed up by a huge canoe

    A 21-year-old tourist, Rony Josua Simanjuntak, was swept away by a gigantic wave while posing for photos on the rocks of Kedung Tumpang beach, Indonesia. Despite his friends' initial laughter, the situation quickly turned into a nightmare when Rony was thrown into the water and swept out to sea. Rescue teams continue to search for the young man, but difficult conditions and large waves complicate the operation.

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    • Babybel Signaler  

      C est pas l homme qui prend la mer, c est la mer qui prend l homme...tintin...

      25/10/2024 à 22:30:43

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