Violent fight between two women in a Chinese restaurant
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    Violent fight between two women in a Chinese restaurant

    Two women came to blows in a restaurant chain in China, following an argument whose reasons remain unclear. Tensions quickly escalated: the woman in black threw soup at the woman in pink, who retaliated by hitting her with a chair. The violence escalates until a beer can is thrown in the face of the woman in black, causing a deep wound to her eyebrow.

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    • chanvrancoit Signaler  

      J'aime pas voir les femmes pleurer :/

      14/10/2024 à 12:00:22
      • arakrichna  Signaler  

        Moi si.

        15/10/2024 à 16:37:56
    • Bafff Signaler  


      15/10/2024 à 19:31:35
    • Jubry Signaler  

      C'est quand même mieux que 2 grosses black dégueulasses à la aya nagramoura !

      04/11/2024 à 16:31:39

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