A 17-year-old boxing champion, Kylian Binard, was stabbed to death on Sunday September 29 in the parking lot of the "Octavia" nightclub in Subles, near Bayeux, Normandy. The stabbing occurred at around 6:42 a.m. as the last customers were leaving the establishment. The suspect, 24-year-old Algerian Nasser Bekaddour, was quickly arrested by a security guard and taken into custody. Initial indications are that a fight broke out before the attack. The investigation is ongoing, and the discotheque's surveillance videos have been seized. Kylian, from Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, had won the title of champion de Normandie espoirs in March 2024 and was considered a very promising young athlete.
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Encore un francocide par un tajinopithèque de merde.
30/09/2024 à 17:39:16il va faire 18 mois de club med... heu prison. puis ressortira pour recommencer.
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