A Falcons fan brutally attacked a Saints fan, throwing him to the ground and kicking him several times in the head during a brawl at Mercedes-Benz Stadium. The scene was captured on video, showing the Falcons fan jumping over seats to punch the other spectator. He then delivered three violent kicks to the man's head before being subdued. Several women were injured during the fight.
????CHOC Un homme se fait écraser la tête à plusieurs reprises lors d'un match de football américain
— C'est vraiment arrivé (@cvraimentarrive) September 30, 2024
Unfan des Falcons (Atlanta) a agressé un supporter des Saints (New Orleans) en le projetant au sol et en lui écrasant brutalement la tête à plusieurs reprises lors d'une bagarre… pic.twitter.com/hyRiUzl4v8
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