A dangerous gang member is arrested by a robot! Webchoc.com
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    A dangerous gang member is arrested by a robot!

    A police robot dodged a bullet, fired tear gas and immobilized a man during a confrontation in Texas. Felix Delarosa, 39, threw a sheet over the robot before shooting it. Delarosa, wanted by the anti-gang unit, then continued firing, notably in the direction of the officers. A member of the sniper team finally neutralized him with a bullet. The robot assisted in the arrest before Delarosa was taken to hospital.

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    • stefan Signaler  

      Tu vas en tole si tu tues un robot???

      20/09/2024 à 11:53:37
    • Babybel Signaler  

      Faut dire qu il a une bonne tete de vainqueur...

      21/09/2024 à 00:49:49

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