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    Nashville man spotted with part of his head missing

    Posts on X and Reddit show a man wandering around downtown Nashville with part of his head missing, causing concern among residents. Several users claim to have called for help after seeing him, while others have tried to offer assistance, which he has refused. Some people claim that he has been walking like this for several years, with accounts dating back to 2021. The man seems to be carrying on with his life as normal, despite his condition.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      Waouh ! ça me rappelle l'histoire de Phineas P. Gage pour qui la blessure semble avoir eu des effets négatifs sur son comportement émotionnel, social et personnel, le laissant dans un état instable et asocial.

      18/09/2024 à 13:32:28
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      On le dit jamais assez: ne serrez par trop vos casques quand vous jouez.

      18/09/2024 à 17:51:33

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