Fatal accident at four-wheel off-road race, spectator struck Webchoc.com
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    Fatal accident at four-wheel off-road race, spectator struck

    Tragedy struck during a 4x4 race at the Yamor 2024 festival in Ecuador. Despite the proximity of the circuit, a spectator tragically died after being hit by one of the competing vehicles, plunging the event into horror. Several people were also injured in the accident. A fact which raises many questions about the safety of spectators at sporting events of this kind.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      le truc de beauf...

      04/09/2024 à 10:44:52
      • Babybel  Signaler  

        Pas pire que le foot...

        06/09/2024 à 21:35:39
    • Tacrepe Signaler  

      Grave les bof c'est encore plus con que les ksos

      05/09/2024 à 15:53:20
    • shukoi Signaler  

      et le conducteur continu... "j'marette pas j'ai une moyenne a respecter"

      08/09/2024 à 12:18:23

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