A terrifying event took place at a circus in Biysk, Russia. A female bear named Donut, riding a hoverboard and weighing 35 stones (222 kg), rebelled against her trainer, Sergey Prichinich. The animal knocked the trainer down and tackled him to the ground. A circus official can be seen trying to push the animal back with a stick through a fence to distract it. The incident could have been fatal, but the trainer remained calm. Fortunately, the animal suddenly lost its aggression and accompanied Prichinich as if nothing had happened. Neither the trainer nor the bear were injured. This event once again raises the question of the welfare of circus animals.
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je propose qu'on mette le cameraman avec l'ours !
29/08/2024 à 14:22:32C'est normal en Russie x)
29/08/2024 à 18:11:51D'ailleurs je crois que les circassiens n'ont plus le droit de collaborer avec des animaux dans les cirques.. "si on peut appeler ça une collaboration.." -_-
31/08/2024 à 22:29:53comment traumatisé tes gamins!!!!
jamais je n'emmènerai mon gamin au cirque si il y a autre chose que des chevaux.
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