Sea chase: a Spanish police boat crushes a migrant boat to stop them
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    Sea chase: a Spanish police boat crushes a migrant boat to stop them

    A recent episode has captured attention, featuring the Spanish Civil Guard intervening against a migrant boat near Horcas Coloradas beach in Melilla, northern Morocco. The video shows a small motorboat, presumed to be carrying four African migrants, being pursued by a border guard vessel. When the warnings of the Royal Gendarmerie patrol were not heeded, the Guardia Civil boat veered to the right, passing over the boat, causing it to capsize and throwing at least one person into the sea. This incident prompted a Moroccan NGO to call for an investigation, while the Melilla government delegation claimed that it was a "normal procedure". No casualties were reported.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      good job et coupez leurs les 2 mains à tous ces passeurs qui se font du fric sur le dos des migrants.

      29/08/2024 à 14:25:27
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Allez hop, maintenant plus qu'a faire la même avec les centaines de bateaux d’envahisseurs restants.

      29/08/2024 à 18:11:36

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