A suspect narrowly misses hitting a little girl and injures a police officer as he flees in his car Webchoc.com
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    A suspect narrowly misses hitting a little girl and injures a police officer as he flees in his car

    An incident occurred in Queens last Sunday when a police officer attempted to stop a vehicle near 34th Avenue and 99th Street. During the operation, the suspect fled in reverse, nearly running over a little girl who was walking with her mother. He then accelerated towards the police officer, injuring him before fleeing. The suspect is currently in custody. The policeman was treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

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    • okaj Signaler  

      il lui colle un traceur sur la porte arriére ?

      28/08/2024 à 18:17:38
    • Bafff Signaler  

      ça me rappelle un certain nael ......

      01/09/2024 à 18:58:30

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