A liquor store owner pulls out a gun after being attacked by a horde of riffraff Webchoc.com
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    A liquor store owner pulls out a gun after being attacked by a horde of riffraff

    An employee of the Golden Hours Liquor store in Oakland, California, was attacked by a group of teenagers before pulling out his gun, sending the crowd fleeing. The incident began as a result of a verbal argument between the teenagers and the employee, which escalated into a physical assault. The employee managed to get back inside the store, where he pulled out a gun and pointed it at the teenagers, putting an end to the incident. Local authorities confirm that no shots were fired during the incident and no arrests were made.

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    • stefan Signaler  

      La premiere petite racaille lache qui frappe avec tout son troupeau derriere lool

      28/08/2024 à 16:59:25
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Comme d'hab, la petite salope qui attaque en lâche planqué. Le jour où y a une vrai guerre civ là bas, et que ça tourne à la sauce raciale, les renois vont avoir de gros soucis à se faire....

      28/08/2024 à 17:32:46

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