British man attacked by angry Spanish donkey cab owner during Costa del Sol heatwave
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    British man attacked by angry Spanish donkey cab owner during Costa del Sol heatwave

    Ian Grace, a 52-year-old British tourist, was assaulted by a donkey cab owner in Mijas, Andalusia, while trying to document what he believes to be flagrant animal abuse. Having observed six donkey-drawn carriages working in unbearably hot conditions, Mr. Grace began filming. Before long, a man intervened to assault him, breaking his glasses and phone. It should be noted that the use of donkeys as cabs is a controversial practice, with animal rights groups claiming that the animals are mistreated and forced to work in harsh conditions, particularly during hot weather. Following the attack, demonstrations were held urging tourists to boycott the practice.

    M. Grace s'est retrouvé le visage ensanglanté après avoir affronté l'homme à Mijas
    Les ânes andalous étaient historiquement utilisés par les habitants pour se rendre au travail avant l'avènement des voitures

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