A motorcycle bomb explodes and narrowly misses killing two people Webchoc.com
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    A motorcycle bomb explodes and narrowly misses killing two people

    In Colombia, two teenagers narrowly escaped death after an abandoned motorcycle rigged with explosives exploded in Samaniego. The two teenagers were about to attend a Provincial Bands Meeting when the explosion took place in front of the hotel where they were staying. As a result of the impact, the motorcycle immediately burst into flames. The victims, one of whom was Jorge Prada from Colombia's National Symphony Orchestra, were taken to hospital. Investigators are now trying to establish whether the hotel or the national police station were targeted. The town, in the province of Nariño, was the scene of peace talks with the National Liberation Army, a guerrilla group recognized as a terrorist organization by several countries.

    Une moto bourrée d'explosifs a explosé près d'un hôtel et d'un poste de la police nationale à Samaniego, en Colombie, jeudi. Les autorités cherchent à savoir si les suspects visaient l'hôtel ou la police.
    L'orchestre symphonique national de Colombie s'est produit jeudi lors de la réunion de l'orchestre provincial, après qu'un attentat à la moto piégée a blessé trois personnes, dont le contrebassiste Jorge Prada.

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