He films a kidnapping in broad daylight in Hong Kong Webchoc.com
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    He films a kidnapping in broad daylight in Hong Kong

    A 32-year-old woman was kidnapped by three men and a woman near Stanley Prison in Hong Kong. A prison employee, who witnessed the abduction, tried to intervene by asking the kidnappers not to fight, but was repulsed. Another prison employee was also injured by the kidnappers' vehicle when he tried to stop them. Police were able to rescue the victim 15 minutes later, some 10 km from the scene, and arrested the four suspects. The motive for the kidnapping appears to be a financial dispute involving several hundred thousand dollars.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      C'est bien, elle s'est laissé trainé par terre afin de ralentir le kidnapping... je me souviens d'une vidéo d'un enlèvement ou la nana marchait à côté de son ravisseur....

      22/08/2024 à 13:22:09
    • stefan Signaler  

      Ils sont energiques les employes penitentiare lool

      26/08/2024 à 16:32:24

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