A passenger stunned a bus driver in the Mataderos district of Buenos Aires by punching him in the face. The incident, which took place on July 30, was captured by the bus's security cameras and went viral on social networks. After the attack, the passenger fled with an accomplice. The driver, suffering from facial injuries, was rescued by passengers. Although the reason for the attack is still unknown, local drivers have reported a noticeable rise in insecurity.
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la peine qui serait cool si on retrouvait l'agresseur, ce serait qu'il conduise ce bus le temps que le chauffeur se remette de ses blessures.... et on lui coupe des doigts s'il refuse... il verrait que le vrai dur, c'est le chauffeur et tous ceux qui se lèvent tôt le matin pour bosser...
20/08/2024 à 12:52:46
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