Following the tragic murders of three children in Southport, England, by the sons of migrants, a wave of violent riots swept across the country. In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter), an Asian man is seen being brutally extracted from his vehicle by a group of rioters in Hull. The assailants then violently attack the car, with the driver shouting 'paki'. In the background, clouds of dark smoke and the shrill sound of a horn perfectly convey the tension and chaos of the scene.
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Quand le gouvernement encule le peuple, que la justice est complice du gouvernement, tout comme les flics, le peuple prend les choses en mains par lui même.
04/08/2024 à 17:26:54D' après les infos, il aurait tenté d' écraser des manifestants...
04/08/2024 à 17:38:41ah ok, je comprends mieux
05/08/2024 à 20:34:10
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