A policeman brutalizes his dog after it bites him Webchoc.com
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    A policeman brutalizes his dog after it bites him

    A Dayton police officer in the USA experienced a disturbing situation during an arrest recently. The officer and his police dog were chasing two teenagers who had fled from a stolen car. When the officer ordered his dog to bite to facilitate the arrest, the dog got the wrong end of the stick and bit the officer twice on the leg and once on the hand. Once the suspects had been handcuffed, a video shows the policeman hitting his dog with an "open slap". The dog was unharmed, while the policeman had to be treated for his injuries. The two teenagers were arrested and placed in the juvenile justice center. Dayton police assured that an administrative investigation would be conducted to assess the incident.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      le chien n'est pas fait pour ça, tout simplement.

      02/08/2024 à 20:09:42
    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Va falloir le renvoyer à l'entrainement le malinois là.

      02/08/2024 à 20:24:33
    • Totoblabla Signaler  

      Le malinois est un chien de travail, non décisionnaire qui a besoin d’être guidé et de recevoir des consignes. C’est là qu’il s’éclate.
      Le fait qu’il morde son maître est peut-être du à une formation encore un peu juste.
      Il ne faut pas frapper les animaux, sauf s’ils franchissent la ligne rouge (morsure, mise en danger d’autrui. Le fait qu’il monte sur le canapé ne peut pas être n’est pas un franchissement de ligne rouge hein ! Ni lorsqu’il pisse au mauvais endroit).

      06/08/2024 à 15:18:49

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