In-car camera shows wanted woman punching Georgetown police officer in the face
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    In-car camera shows wanted woman punching Georgetown police officer in the face

    On a routine patrol on June 28, 2024, Patrolman Rammel of the Georgetown Police Department noticed a woman, Mary McElroy, walking north of US 68, near Hamer Road. McElroy, known for her violent behavior and an outstanding warrant for her arrest, aroused the caution of Rammel, who then requested backup from the Brown County Sheriff's Office. As McElroy approached, Rammel was assaulted but managed to dodge the blow to his face. Deputy Hardy, arriving on the scene, was able to move all present off the road, ensuring their safety. Following an altercation, McElroy was restrained and handcuffed. Rammel, slightly injured during the incident, was treated and released. As for McElroy, she was charged with obstruction, resisting arrest and assault on a police officer, then booked into Brown County Jail.

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