Unbelievable night-time theft of radio host Leona Graham's motorcycle Webchoc.com
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    Unbelievable night-time theft of radio host Leona Graham's motorcycle

    Radio presenter Leona Graham was recently the victim of a break-in on the night of June 29. Three individuals stole her blue Honda motorcycle parked outside her home in Wimbledon, south-west London, using an angle grinder. The thieves, dressed in dark tracksuits and motorcycle helmets, quickly got rid of the various safety devices before taking off with the bike. Leona Graham said she had reported the theft to the Metropolitan Police, but the force had not yet asked for her CCTV records. She pointed to the increasing impunity with which these angle grinder thefts are carried out, while the police struggle to contain the scourge. Metallurgy, this delinquency was greatly reduced after the arrest of a gang in August 2020. Since then, the number of cases seems to be on the increase.


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