The full video of the incident involving Jonathan Kaye, a New York investment banker who knocked someone out at a pro-Hamas rally, has been unveiled. Initially, only a short sequence was available, creating buzz but not exposing the full context. Jonathan Kaye recently turned himself in to the police, accused of second- and third-degree assaults. The full video reveals that Kaye was taunted by a group of LGBTQ pro-Hamas, before a liquid was thrown at him. Then, a bottle lands on his face, prompting him to react by charging at the person, sending him to the ground. Kaye has since resigned from investment bank Moelis
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Il a totalement raison, mais pk démissionne ?
02/07/2024 à 13:00:35comme d'hab, c'est la victime qui subit les conséquences.
02/07/2024 à 14:29:40lgbtq et pro- hamas en même temps, Heu, c'est compatible ça? ????
02/07/2024 à 15:18:57C'est lui qui va au contact et qui pousse en premier...
03/07/2024 à 23:42:52
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